PE and Sports Funding
In April 2013, the Government announced new funding for physical education (PE) and sport which is known as PE and Sport Premium Funding. This funding must be used to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision for all children in school.
Usually, schools will spend their funding allocation during the academic year. However, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the government relaxed the ring-fencing arrangements for this funding in both the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 academic years. This has enabled us to carry forward any unspent grant from these years. With our unspent sports fund and this year's allocation, we have £28,151 to spend on PE and school sports. The document below outlines our plans for using this fund.
How we are planning to use the Sport Premium money in 2021-2022
How we used the Sport Premium money in 2018-19
In 2018-19 academic year we are planning to
- Carry on annual PE equipment audit in order for new equipment to be purchased when necessary
- Increase the range of sports on offer to try and encourage less active pupils to develop a healthy lifestyle i.e. yoga
- Purchase new playground equipment for Infants playground to ensure children from Early Years have access to active and fun break times
- Purchase new playground equipment for the main playground to ensure children from years 1-6 have access to active and fun break times. Louise Thornton and her sports leaders will deliver the Play Leaders Scheme to encourage children from years 5 and 6 to deliver quality games and activities to the younger children.
- Employ qualified sports coaches to work alongside staff for short PE modules i.e. Tri- Golf, Chance to Shine cricket programme and a Clog Dancing workshop
- Deliver a variety of after school clubs including table tennis, tennis, dance, football and yoga
For more detailed information, please see document below- Evidencing the Impact of Primary PE and Sport Premium