Our Lady Of Furness Catholic Federation

Our Lady Of Furness Catholic Federation

Lovingly we Learn in Harmony

  1. Our Lady of the Rosary
  2. News


Thank you so much to the Dalton Community Action Group who have generously donated £100 towards the banners the children have designed as part of our ongoing safety campaign. It was a very kind gesture and it was much appreciated.

The Great Our Lady's Bake Off has had a brilliant first few weeks including 'Cake Week' and 'Biscuit Week'. In true Bake Off style, one child from each class bubble has been awarded Star Baker. Don't forget to book your place for next week on ParentMail.


Every Thursday at After School Club Mrs Caulfield will be hosting and running her very own 'The Great Our Lady's Bake Off'. Come along and see what fantastic things you will be making, baking and creating. Bookings can be made on ParentMail.

September 2020

It has been wonderful to welcome all our school family back and have our school full of smiles and laughter again. We must say a big welcome to our new families joining us this year. We are so proud of how well the children have settled in. Thank you for all your support with our new routines, especially at drop off and pick up times. 


Our After School Club is now up and running with the new finish time of 5.30. There will be lots of different fun and exciting activities each day. Please book and pay in advance using the 'Accounts' section on ParentMail to help staff accordingly. We look forward to seeing you there!



August 2020


Our school family is welcome to come to school on Friday 7th August between 2 and 4 pm to view our selection of second hand uniform. Please adhere to the social distancing guidelines at all times whilst on the school premises. A small donation would be gratefully received which will be used to go towards house point rewards for the children.

Well, even though it is the summer holidays, Mrs Crellin and all the staff have been working tirelessly this week to get school ready to welcome back our wonderful pupils in September. We hope you'll agree school is looking wonderful. We can't wait until it is full of happy smiley children again.

We must say a massive thank you to Mr Crellin who has been working in the cold and rain this week to pressure wash the school grounds. What a difference it has made! We appreciate all your hard work.